Women’s Health
Guerbet supports healthcare professionals by striving to improve the quality of infertility management and breast cancer surgery. Our offering has been bolstered by the recent creation of a Women Health’s Products Portfolio.
Guerbet aims to help healthcare professionals improve the quality of diagnosis, and thus patient outcomes, both in women presenting with infertility and in patients with breast cancer, thereby enabling personalized treatment choices and providing better results for women’s health.
The mission of Guerbet Women’s Health is “to provide the medical community with innovative solutions to help physicians advance their patients' treatments and outcomes”.
Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid is mainly used in interventional radiology and women’s health.
Bleu Patenté V, which is not a contrast agent but rather a dye, was launched on the Belgian market in 1971.
For more information, please consult the summaries of product characteristics (SPC) for the products available in your country.
For US healthcare professionals, click here for indications, boxed warnings and other Important Risk Information.