Guerbet Switzerland

Guerbet Switzerland

GAG (003)

Guerbet has been an active presence on the Swiss radiological scene for many decades now. It all started in the early 60s, and more precisely in 1963 when the company Max Ritter Pharma began distributing Guerbet contrast media. This changed in the 80s, when the Guerbet group established a direct presence in some European countries. On July 1, 1987 the Swiss subsidiary, Guerbet AG was founded with its sales reps’ team composed of former Max Ritter Pharma employees. The first gadolinium-based contrast agent was launched shortly afterwards.

In 1989, Guerbet AG became the distributor in Switzerland of Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, a manufacturer of specialty pharmaceuticals, generic drugs and imaging agents. Guerbet acquired Mallinckrodt’s contrast media and delivery solutions business, November 2015.

In more recent times, Guerbet expanded its portfolio to include injection solutions, products for interventional radiology as well as digital services.



Guerbet AG
Thurgauerstrasse 32
CH-8050 Zurich

Tel: +41 (0)43 255 18 00

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