Why professionals have chosen icobrainand what are its added values?

Why professionals
have chosen icobrain
and what are
its added values?

Feedback on icobrain in clinical routine from
Dr. Florence Beuret and Mr. Samir Lounis

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Feedback on icobrain in clinical routine 
from Dr. Florence Beuret and Mr. Samir Lounis,
imapôle Lyon-Villeurbanne

In this video testimonial, discover why the imapôle Lyon-Villeurbanne imaging site has chosen to implement and use the AI-based icobrain software solution and
icobrain dm in particular, for all the assessments of cognitive disorders in clinical routine.

Thanks to the testimonies of Dr. Florence Beuret, Neuroradiologist and Mr. Samir Lounis, Executive Director, you will understand: 

  • that the reasons for their choice were based on the challenges radiologists face in dementia assessments,
  • their experience with the icobrain solution in routine clinical practice,  
  • the icobrain integration in their radiological workflow, 
  • the clinical added value for their organization.  

Finally, a major topic in the implementation of an innovative solution such as icobrain, discover the return on investment with icobrain observed by imapôle.   

Imapôle Lyon – Villeurbanne is the medical imaging department of the leading private health establishment in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region (France), including a team of 10 radiologists. 

Dr. Florence Beuret
" With icobrain dm, I will save time both in the interpretation and in the writing of my report while improving the quality of my exam. "

Dr. Florence Beuret Neuroradiologist, imapôle Lyon-Villeurbanne

Samir Lounis
" When you are used to providing a service to patients and prescribers for complex and heavy pathologies, it would be very difficult to do without it. "

Samir Lounis Executive Director, imapôle Lyon-Villeurbanne

Bleu Gras Papa Parents Carré Oreiller (10)

Discover icobrain dm...

icobrain dmuncovers abnormality patterns by: 

  • reporting sensitive brain volumetrics to allow the early detection of Alzheimer and other diseases causing dementia: whole brain, ventricular,
  • quantifying and tracking cortical brain volumes and asymmetries to help with the differential diagnosis of the most common dementia types :
    frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and hippocampal cortex, 
  • comparing volumes and volume changes
    to an age-and sex- matched normative reference population, 
  • visualizing abnormality patterns in an intuitive volume signature. 

Additional outputs

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...and discover the entire icobrain portfolio.

  • The icobrain portfolio offers cloud-based AI solutions to assist healthcare professionals in adopting clinical practice guidelines.1-2
    icobrain is an image analysis service to quantify disease-specific brain structures for acute and chronic neurological conditions on MR and CT.
  • The icobrain output consists of concise disease-specific reports with normative reference values and color-coded segmentations in DICOM format to help the radiologist and neurologist interpret and communicate the patient’s condition for patients with neurological diseases.
  • An additional output is the Prepopulated Reporting Template (PRT), translating the volumes and population statistics into natural language. The PRT can be easily copied into and edited in the radiological report.
  • The icobrain portfolio is FDA cleared and CE marked for clinical usage*.
  • The icobrain portfolio is supported​ by various scientific evidences.3, 4, 5
Bleu Gras Papa Parents Carré Oreiller (9)

icobrain dm

Support to the differential diagnosis
of the most common dementia types;
AD (Alzheimer's disease), LBD (Lewy Body Dementia)
and FTD (Fronto Temporal Dementia)

Learn more about icobrain dm

Bleu Gras Papa Parents Carré Oreiller (5)

icobrain tbi

Support to the evaluation of  traumatic axial injuries (TAI)
and atrophy in patients with mild to severe brain trauma

Learn more about icobrain tbi

Legal Mentions

*icobrain is a medical device intended for use by healthcare professionals only.

  • icobrain mr is intended for automatic labeling, visualization and volumetric quantification of segmentable brain structures from a set of MR images. This software is intended to automate the current manual process of identifying, labeling and quantifying the volume of segmentable brain structures identified on MR images.

    icobrain mr consists of two distinct image processing pipelines: icobrain mr cross and icobrain mr long. 

    icobrain mr cross is intended to provide volumes from images acquired at a single time point
    • ​icobrain mr long is intended to provide changes in volumes between two images that were acquired on the same scanner, with the same image acquisition protocol and with same contrast at two different timepoints ​
    • The results of icobrain mr cross cannot be compared with the results of icobrain mr long.
  • icobrain ct is intended for automatic labeling, visualization and volumetric quantification of segmentable brain structures from a set of computed tomography (CT) images. This software is intended to automate the current manual process of identifying, labeling and quantifying the volume of segmentable brain structures identified on CT images. The software can also be used to perform image processing, analysis, and communication of computed tomography perfusion (CTP) scans of the brain.

For complete information about precautions and optimal usage conditions, we recommend consulting the instructions for use supplied with the software or by your local Guerbet representative(s). For use only in countries with applicable health authority registrations.

Class Im/CE SGS Belgium 1639
Manufacturer: icometrix

Different versions of products are available in other countries (such as icobrain with US FDA clearance K192130 & icobrain ctp with US FDA clearance K192962).

The statements made in the video reflect only the personal opinions and experiences of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the views of Guerbet.
