As part of the global €5.9M financial package awarded to the Partners by Bpifrance, Guerbet, project leader, received €1.9M to develop a foundational AI model enabling lesion detection and follow-up in the main organs (lung, liver, bones, lymph nodes, peritoneum, kidneys, pancreas). These AIs will meet the growing needs for automation and efficiency in oncology imaging.
Intrasense, with a €1.7M financial help will ensure the application development of Liflow® solution integrating Guerbet’s AIs in an optimized workflow. Intrasense will carry the regulatory certification of the solution and of the artificial intelligence algorithms. The funding allocated to the project will enable to overcome technological and clinical hurdles, and thus accelerate the development of Liflow®.
Angers University Hospital and the Gustave Roussy Institute with fundings of €0.9M and €1.4M, will bring a scientific and clinical expertise to every step of the project. They will play a crucial role in medical support developing products, ensuring that every innovation meets radiologists’ clinical needs.
Bpifrance’s support will allow us to carry on several clinical studies aiming to demonstrate the impact and the efficiency of new technologies on daily clinical practice. The main objective is to provide healthcare professionals with tools allowing a faster evaluation of the patients’ response (or non-response) to treatments, leading to a therapeutic optimization and improved care.
“Our research in tumour load imaging and anthropometrics at the Gustave Roussy Institute, conducted for several years now, convinced us of the importance of integrating these prognosis and predictive biomarkers in patient care1. This project, to term, will enable its use in a clinical routine workflow”, says Pr Nathalie Lassau, university professor and hospital practitioner at Paris-Saclay University in radiology, radiologist at Gustave Roussy Institute.
“To integrate AI into the care process, we needed to create a tool that was not single-tasked but that assisted radiologists in their complex work of interpretation. The analysis of CT-TAP in oncology is time-consuming and tedious; Liflow® should reduce the time needed for interpretation and improve performance. It will be a major change”, says Pr Christophe Aubé, university professor and hospital practitioner, Head of the radiology department at Angers University Hospital.