Interventional Imaging Solutions

Interventional Imaging Solutions

Beyond diagnostic medical imaging, Guerbet is accelerating its expansion in the interventional radiology field. We aim to provide the interventional medical community with innovative image-guided solutions to help physicians advance their patients' treatments and outcomes.

Guerbet offerings within interventional imaging

Guerbet is a global specialist in contrast media and solutions for diagnostic and interventional radiology, and we are particularly involved in liver cancer treatment, as well as embolization of vascular anomalies.

In early 2018, Guerbet acquired Accurate Medical Therapeutics (“Accurate”). Accurate developed a range of microcatheters for embolization procedures on tumors or vascular diseases.

Guerbet has also invested in microspheres technology, which aims to supplement existing interventional imaging solutions and to offer significant synergies with our range of microcatheters.

Overall, the focus of our Interventional Imaging franchise is to provide interventional radiologists with innovative image-guided and minimally invasive solutions that help both advance the treatment of patients and improve their outcomes.


Pharmaceutical drug

Lipiodol® Ultra Fluid is mainly used in interventional radiology and women’s health.

C9 Usp Pharmaceuticaldrugs Vectorio

Mixing and injection system

Vectorio® - efficacy and safety for improved cTACE mixing and delivery. Lipiodol® resistance up to 24h*.

C9 Usp Pharmaceuticaldrugs Microcatheter


DRAKON™ and SEQURE® - Microcatheters for the infusion of contrast media into all peripheral vessels, of drugs in intra-arterial therapy, and of embolic materials.


For more information, please consult the summaries of product characteristics (SPC) or instructions for use (IFU) for the products available in your country.

*Test report (E17-41) - Verification report of the device’s functionality after 24h exposure to Lipiodol® 

Visit our Interventional website

For more information on our interventional radiology drug and devices.

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